Among Milos’ many treasures, one stands out as a genuine product of the island’s agricultural heritage— the traditional tomato paste — a little jar of tomato paste.

Yes, you heard that right! Milos’ traditional tomato paste, or “peltes” as the locals call it, is a genuine product of the island, and it’s packed with flavor and history.

The Story Behind Milos’ Tomato Paste

So, what makes this tomato paste so special? It all starts with the unique tomatoes grown right here on the island. The locals use a variety known as “Santorini” or “Russian,” and these little tomatoes are something else. They grow in Milos’ volcanic soil, soaking up the sun and sea breeze, which gives them a flavor that’s out of this world.

The process of making the paste is a true labor of love. Once the tomatoes are picked by hand, they’re left under the sun for a couple of days. This sunbathing session helps the tomatoes soften and brings out their natural sweetness.

Then, the magic really happens. The tomatoes are washed, mashed, and the seeds and skins are separated from the juicy goodness inside. This juicy pulp is spread out under the summer sun again to dry and “be cooked” naturally. The only thing added is a pinch of sea salt to help preserve the paste and bring out its incredible flavor.

How to Enjoy Milos’ Pelte

Now, let’s talk about how you can use this amazing tomato paste. The best part about it is how versatile it is. Here are some ideas:

  • Spread It on Bread: One of the simplest ways to enjoy Milos’ tomato paste is to spread it on a slice of fresh bread with a drizzle of olive oil. Trust me, it’s a game-changer. The rich tomato flavor mixed with the fruity olive oil is pure bliss.
  • Make a Dip: Mix the paste with some olive oil, finely chopped garlic, and capers, and you’ve got yourself a killer dip. This combo is perfect for dipping breadsticks, rusks, or veggies.
  • Boost Your Sauces: If you love cooking, you’ll find a million ways to use this paste. Stir it into sauces, soups, or stews to add a punch of flavor. It’s like a secret ingredient that makes everything taste better.
  • Get Creative in the Kitchen: You can use it in a marinade, dressing, or a topping for your favorite Greek dishes like moussaka. It’s one of those ingredients that can turn a good dish into a great one.
  • Enjoy It as a Meze: If you’re having a drink with friends, serve the paste as a meze, a small appetizer. It pairs perfectly with ouzo or tsipouro, making it a great way to kick off any gathering.

A Little Jar of Milos’ Sunshine

Milos’ tomato paste isn’t just any ordinary paste. It’s a little jar filled with the island’s sunshine, tradition, and love.  This paste brings a taste of Milos into your home.

So, if you ever find yourself on this beautiful island, don’t forget to pick up a jar—or two! It’s a delicious reminder of the simple pleasures that Milos has to offer, and a taste that’s sure to keep you coming back for more.


Photo by Vasilis Papikinos